Proposed Plans for Food Manufacturing Facilities Promise Job Creation

In a bid to revitalise the local economy and bring new job opportunities, the Sadel Group has unveiled comprehensive plans to construct state-of-the-art food and temperature controlled facilities on the premises of the now-closed McCain factory in Burton Lane, Easton

This ambitious project aims to attract a new food producer to the site, creating up to 250 jobs while addressing environmental concerns and fostering collaboration with neighbouring businesses. 

The Sadel Group is actively seeking public feedback on the proposed plans, emphasising their commitment to community engagement, sustainability, and the regional economy.

Consolidating Importance and Creating Opportunities

Recognising the significance of community support, the Sadel Group’s proposed investment plans aim to consolidate its role within the local community while contributing to the region’s economic growth

By creating modern, fit-for-purpose food production facilities, these plans seek to attract a new food producer who will benefit from the strategic location and advanced infrastructure

Additionally, the project will provide new job opportunities, including apprenticeships and training programs, fostering skill development and employment prospects. This initiative also seeks to replace the 230 jobs lost when McCains left the site, thereby mitigating the impact of the closure and revitalising the local workforce.

Environmental Benefits and Sustainable Practices

The proposed plans go beyond job creation, incorporating sustainable practices to address environmental concerns. One of the key benefits is the co-location of the new food production facility and cold storage facilities, leading to a significant reduction in unnecessary food miles and road congestion. 

By optimising the supply chain, this integration will not only ensure fresher produce but also contribute to reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation. Furthermore, the project aligns with the UK government‘s net zero carbon targets for 2035 and 2050 by incorporating the production of onsite renewable energy

By leveraging renewable energy sources, the facility aims to generate a substantial portion of its power requirements, reducing its reliance on non-renewable resources and minimising its carbon footprint. 

Additionally, the proposed plans include the establishment of an anaerobic digestion plant, where plant and animal materials will be processed by microorganisms in the absence of air. This process will not only provide the site with a renewable energy source but also produce organic fertiliser, supporting the local farming community and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Strategic Location and Collaborative Potential

If approved, the new food manufacturing facilities will be strategically situated adjacent to the Cold Chain Federation‘s Magnavale site. This forthcoming cold storage facility is set to become the largest in the UK and will create 100 additional jobs. 

What’s more, the proximity of these two complementary facilities presents an exciting opportunity for collaboration and synergistic growth. By sharing resources, expertise, and infrastructure, both entities can optimise operations, streamline logistics, and create a hub for food production and distribution. 

Also, it should be noted that this collaborative approach will not only benefit the businesses involved but also have a positive impact on the local economy, attracting further investment and fostering a dynamic ecosystem of food-related industries.

Public Feedback and Decision Deadline

The Sadel Group values community input and actively encourages the general public to participate in shaping the proposed plans for the food manufacturing facilities. Public feedback will be accepted until July 21, providing ample time for residents, stakeholders, and local organisations to share their thoughts and suggestions. 

Furthermore, this inclusive approach ensures that the development aligns with the needs and aspirations of the community, and allows for adjustments and improvements based on valuable feedback.


The proposed plans for new food manufacturing facilities in the former McCain factory site in Burton Lane, Easton, hold immense potential for the local community and the regional economy. 

With the capacity to create up to 250 new jobs, these modern facilities will not only provide employment opportunities but also foster skill development through apprenticeships and training programs. Furthermore, the integration of the new food production facility and cold storage facilities will optimise logistics, reduce food waste, and contribute to mitigating carbon emissions. 

Additionally, by embracing sustainable practices, such as onsite renewable energy production and organic fertiliser generation, the project aligns with the UK government’s net zero carbon targets and supports the local farming community, while the strategic collaboration with the Magnavale site creates synergies and opportunities for growth, bolstering the local economy and attracting further investment. 

As the Sadel Group continues to seek public feedback, this development promises positive change, benefiting the environment, the community, and the future of food production and distribution.

News Credits: New food manufacturing facilities on former McCain site at Easton near Grantham could create up to 250 jobs

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